Friday, May 02, 2008

Absolute Truth?

Do you believe in absolute truth? Or do you think that different people can have different versions of the truth, and all be right (that truth is relative)?

A lot of people seem to believe that truth is relative. I have to disagree with them because if that's true (pun intended), I don't see how we can know anything.

A friend emailed me and put it in a way I hadn't considered: if it is OK to believe anything (or many things), why does the Bible warn against false teaching?

Think about that - wouldn't "false teaching" imply that some things are true/right and some things are false/wrong? That there is a standard somewhere by which all teachings will be judged to be right or wrong?

"...and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32, ESV

If "the truth" exists as Jesus said it does, does that mean that it is right and something else is wrong? What could Jesus have meant by this:

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. - Matthew 24:24, ESV

Unless there is such a thing as falsehood, and false teachings, how could I be led astray? Wouldn't anything I believe be the truth for me? I've had many people assert this very thing to me, but I just can't see how it is possible. What would a false christ/prophet say that would be wrong? Wouldn't that just be his own truth?


Anonymous 7:24 PM  

Another thought: Absolutely Truth exists! (kind of impossible not to) So now the question: how do you find it?

Robert Parker 8:22 PM  

Saying that there's no such thing as absolute truth is a self-defeating statement!

Do such people believe it to be absolutely true that there is no such thing as absolute truth?